
6 Ways to Prevent Carbon Monoxide Leaks In Your Furnace


Many people are not aware that carbon monoxide can leak into their homes through their furnaces. Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless gas that is deadly at high levels of exposure. Residents of Amherst and the surrounding areas should be careful during the winter months, as they tend to use their furnaces more often and run the risk of having leaks. Fortunately, there are some easy steps to prevent these leaks from happening in your household.

1. Inspect Your Furnace

The first step is to inspect your furnace and ensure that it is in good condition. Look for cracked or broken parts, corrosion, and signs of water damage. If you find any problems, have them fixed by a professional before using the heater. If you have an older furnace, be sure to have it inspected regularly to ensure that it is in safe working condition. Carbon monoxide leaks are more common in older units, so it is important to prevent them.

In addition to inspecting your furnace, you should check other gas appliances in your home, such as ovens and dryers. These appliances can create carbon monoxide leaks if they are not used properly or if there is a problem with them.

Be sure to also frequently check vents for blockages by looking through each vent when it is open. Clogged ducts can prevent carbon monoxide from escaping the house, leading to dangerous levels of exposure. If you have a chimney, be sure to have it inspected and cleaned regularly by a professional. A blocked or dirty chimney can allow carbon monoxide to escape into your home.

2. Have The Furnace Serviced Regularly

Carbon monoxide is produced as a byproduct of combustion. If your furnace is not running correctly or has other issues, it can cause carbon monoxide to leak into your house and increase your exposure to this poisonous gas. To prevent dangerous leaks, you should have the entire system inspected before each heating season to make sure it is working correctly.

In addition to an inspection, your furnace should be serviced regularly throughout the heating season to prevent problems and ensure safe operation. If you start to notice any issues with the system, such as a loss of heat or an increase in fuel consumption, contact a professional immediately for service. The sooner you get involved, the easier it will be to fix any problems.

3. Install Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Another essential step to take is installing a carbon monoxide detector in your home. These devices will sound an alarm if they detect dangerous gas levels. You should make sure that you have at least one on every floor and close to areas where people sleep or spend most of their time, such as bedrooms and living rooms.

Carbon monoxide detectors are simple to use and prevent dangerous exposure that could lead to illness or death. If you have gas appliances in your house, this is one of the simplest ways to protect yourself against carbon monoxide leaks. By taking these steps, you are ensuring the health and safety of every member of your household for years to come.

In addition to carbon monoxide detectors, you may also want to consider installing a smoke detector in your home. A smoke detector can warn you of a fire before it becomes too dangerous and give you time to escape. Smoke detectors are required by law in most states, so there is no excuse not to have one installed in your residence.

If you already have a smoke detector in your house, you may want to consider adding a dual-sensor model. This type of detector has both carbon monoxide and smoke sensors to detect leaks from either source quickly and sound an alarm before the levels become dangerous.

4. Change The Air Filter Regularly

One of the simplest ways to prevent carbon monoxide leaks is to ensure your air filter is clean and in good condition. A dirty or clogged air filter can prevent proper airflow and increase the chances of a carbon monoxide leak. Change filters regularly, especially during the heating season when they work harder than ever. You should also change your filter if you start to notice a decrease in your air quality or an increase in fuel consumption.

A dirty air filter can also cause your furnace to overheat, leading to even more severe problems. Be sure to keep your heater and air filters clean for optimal performance and safety. In addition to air filters, you should keep your chimney clean and in good condition. A dirty or clogged chimney can allow carbon monoxide to escape into the home.

5. Educate Your Family

The best way to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning is to ensure everyone in your household knows what to do if they smell gas or see an alarm go off. Teach your children what the alarms sound like and what to do if they hear one. Make sure all members of your household know where the carbon monoxide detectors are located and how to use them.

Everyone in your home should know what to do if they hear an alarm sound or smell gas, just as you know how to handle the situation when it happens at work. Be sure that everyone is familiar with carbon monoxide detectors and their function to avoid confusion during a real emergency. By teaching family members about these simple steps, you can help keep them safe from the dangers of carbon monoxide poisoning.

6. Ensure Your Furnace Is Correctly Installed

One of the most important ways to prevent carbon monoxide leaks is by making sure your furnace is correctly installed. A poorly ventilated or improperly maintained furnace can release dangerous levels of carbon monoxide into your house, leading to severe injury and even death.

Ask for recommendations from friends before you purchase a new heating system, so you know who has had a good experience. Be sure to have the furnace installed by a qualified technician and ask for regular maintenance to keep it running safely and efficiently.

Service Legends Is Here For You

There are several simple ways to prevent carbon monoxide leaks in your furnace. By changing your air filter, teaching family members what to do in an emergency, and ensuring your furnace was installed properly, you can help keep your loved ones safe from the dangers of this deadly gas. Contact us at Service Legends in Des Moines, IA, today for more information about our services. Our team can also assist with cooling and heating repair, installation, and maintenance.

515-657-6634Request Appointment Online

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